web 2.0

ASP/VbScript Array()

ASP/VBScript Array() Provides methods for creating, manipulating, thereby serving as the base class for all arrays in the common language runtime.

ShotDev Focus:
- Using ASP and Array.

Example 1

<% myarray = Array("A", "B", "C", "D") %>
<% =myarray(0) %> <br>
<% =myarray(1) %> <br>
<% =myarray(2) %> <br>
<% =myarray(3) %> <br>

Example 2

Option Explicit
Dim i,arrVar(4)
arrVar(0) = 1
arrVar(1) = 2
arrVar(2) = 3
arrVar(3) = 4
arrVar(4) = 5

For i = 0 To UBound(arrVar)
Response.write arrVar(i)&"<br>"

Example 3

Option Explicit
Dim i,arrVar(4,1)
arrVar(0,0) = 1
arrVar(0,1) = 1.1
arrVar(1,0) = 2
arrVar(1,1) = 2.2
arrVar(2,0) = 3
arrVar(2,1) = 3.3
arrVar(3,0) = 4
arrVar(3,1) = 4.4
arrVar(4,0) = 5
arrVar(4,1) = 5.5

For i = 0 To UBound(arrVar)
Response.write arrVar(i,0)&" - "&arrVar(i,1)&"<br>"
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