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ASP.NET(vb.net) & Send Email HTML Format

ASP.NET(vb.net) & Send Email HTML Format - In this article you will learn how to send email using ASP.NET and send with HTML Format.

ShotDev Focus:
- ASP.NET(vb.net) & Send Email HTML Format



<%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.Mail"%>
<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<script runat="server">
Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim myMail As New MailMessage()
Dim strMsg As String

myMail.To = "member@shotdev.com"
myMail.From = "webmaster@shotdev.com"
myMail.Subject = "My Subject"

'*** HTML Tag ***'
strMsg = ""
strMsg = strMsg &"<h1>My Message</h1><br>"
strMsg = strMsg &"<table width='285' border='1'>"
strMsg = strMsg &" <tr>"
strMsg = strMsg &" <td><div align='center'><strong>My Message </strong></div></td>"
strMsg = strMsg &" <td><div align='center'><font color='red'>My Message</font></div></td>"
strMsg = strMsg &" <td><div align='center'><font size='2'>My Message</font></div></td>"
strMsg = strMsg &" </tr>"
strMsg = strMsg &" <tr>"
strMsg = strMsg &" <td><div align='center'>My Message</div></td>"
strMsg = strMsg &" <td><div align='center'>My Message</div></td>"
strMsg = strMsg &" <td><div align='center'>My Message</div></td>"
strMsg = strMsg &" </tr>"
strMsg = strMsg &" <tr>"
strMsg = strMsg &" <td><div align='center'>"& Date.Now() &"</div></td>"
strMsg = strMsg &" <td><div align='center'>"& Date.Now() &"</div></td>"
strMsg = strMsg &" <td><div align='center'>"& Date.Now() &"</div></td>"
strMsg = strMsg &" </tr>"
strMsg = strMsg &"</table>"

myMail.BodyFormat = MailFormat.HTML
myMail.Body = strMsg


myMail = Nothing

Me.lblText.Text = "Mail Sending."
End Sub

<title>ShotDev.Com Tutorial</title>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:Label id="lblText" runat="server"></asp:Label>


ASP.NET(vb.net) & Send Email HTML Format
Download this script.

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