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ASP.NET(vb.net) & FormView Control

ASP.NET(vb.net) & FormView Control
The FormView is displays the values of a single record from a data source using user-defined templates. The FormView control allows you to edit, delete, and insert records. This example code can to Applied .NET  Technology for ASP.NET 2.0 or later.

ASP.NET(vb.net) & FormView Control

FormView Icon Control.

This a sample create FormView and display the value from AccessDataSource.

ASP.NET(vb.net) & FormView Control

Drag control FormView to ASP.NET Web Form and Click FormView Tasks -> Choose Data Source -> <New data source…>

ASP.NET(vb.net) & FormView Control

Choose a Data Source Type : Select Access Database and Specify an ID for the data source.

ASP.NET(vb.net) & FormView Control

Choose a Database Path of Microsoft Access data file:

ASP.NET(vb.net) & FormView Control

Configure the Select Statement.

ASP.NET(vb.net) & FormView Control

Test Query and Click Finish


ASP.NET(vb.net) & FormView Control

Download this script.


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ASP.NET(vb.net) & FormView - Microsoft Access (.mdb) - System.Data.OleDb
ASP.NET(vb.net) & FormView - SQL Server 2000,2005,2008 - System.Data.SqlClient
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